Pink Lily

Why I am a Pink Lily Ambassador

Hi friends!  In today’s post I’m sharing why I decided to become a Pink Lily Ambassador and why I love the Pink Lily brand.  If you’ve been around The Chic Capitalist blog for a little bit, you may notice that I promote Pink Lily products quite a bit.  

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Believe it or not, there’s a reason for this!  I myself am an avid pink Lily shopper and a huge fan of their brand.

I CONSTANTLY have people asking me about my outfits saying, “That’s so cute! Where did you get it?” …and time and time again, I tell them, “It’s Pink Lily”!

If you’ve never visited their website (or even if you’ve have), check it out by clicking on the button below:

How My Pink Lily Journey Started

My love of Pink Lily started a few years back in 2018 just prior to a family trip to Italy.  At the time, rompers were super trendy!  And I owned exactly NONE of them.  After some googling, I stumbled across Pink Lily’s website.  Lo and behold, there were endless options for cute rompers!  So much so, that I couldn’t decide on just one and I ended up purchasing two of them!    

pink lily romper
pink lily ambassador

When I got those two rompers back, I was blown away.  Not only were they both adorable, they were also made of really nice fabric and super comfortable.

From that moment on, I’ve been shopping Pink Lily!

The Pink Lily Brand

Aside from being a personal fan of the clothing, I love the what the brand stands for!  

Confidence and Empowerment

According to their website, “Fashion isn’t just fun; it should inspire confidence and help empower women to feel great”.  That aligns very closely with what I’m trying to accomplish with this blog!  By helping women (and the community, at large) make better lifestyle and financial decisions I hope that they feel a sense of freedom and confidence and the way they go about their lives. 


Pink Lily also gives back to the community through various nonprofit organizations.  Although I won’t make any claims to giving large sums of money personally to nonprofits, giving back to our community is something my fiancé and I are trying to do more of…starting on a small scale.

My fiancé and I recently decided to to help one of our longtime friends with his finances because we’re so fortunate to be in comfortable financial position, even with upcoming wedding bills becoming due.  We’ve decided to give him a loan to pay off his debts (which as they stand now, charge an astronomically high interest rate) and we’re building finance plan for him to pay us off (interest-free).

Although this isn’t quite the same as donating a large sum of money to a nonprofit, helping even 1 person get back on their feet – whether family, friend, or stranger – goes a long way! 

Why I'm Pink Lily Obsessed

Today, Pink Lily is easily my favorite online clothing retailer. And it’s not a far stretch to say that every day I’m wearing a piece of clothing made by them.  After all, I’ve had years and years of accumulating their clothes.  

In fact, my whole closet is filled with Pink Lily clothes from shoes to dresses the skirts to jeans to tops.  I have it all!  Maybe to the point where you say I’m a little obsessive.

pink lily clothes

At a glance, it may look like I have frivolously spent my money on all my pink lily clothes.  I will counter that by saying one clothing is what I like to spend my money on and two I rarely ever buy anything from Pink Lily unless it’s on sale.

Another thing I would like to say about pink Lily is that I feel like you get great value.  And that’s something that’s super important to me!  When I first started this blog, I wrote a lot about evaluating different company stocks, and although I no longer write about that very often on this platform, I do still believe strongly in the fundamental valuation technique, called strategic value investing.  The basic tenants of this philosophy is to invest in stocks (or in this case, purchases) that are undervalued and provide long-term value. 

That’s how I feel about Pink Lily.  As I mentioned, many of their clothes I’ve had for YEARS!  

In purchasing these clothes the clothes that you can wear in your every day life, but they’re also trendy and fashionable all for a reasonable price, especially if they’re on sale.

Go Shop Pink Lily!

If you want to shop Pink Lily, please use the link below:

For those of you who don’t know, I often promote a lot of their sales through my email list which I call my TCC Club.  So if you’re not already a member, make sure to subscribe today to get access to exclusive savings.

Also, don’t forget to check out my favorite looks but I’ve promoted through this blog:

Thanks for reading friends!  I hope this post gave you an inside look into my personal shopping and why I am such an avid fan of Pink Lily!

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