The Value Investor’s Philosophy

I adhere to a strict investment philosophy that revolves around long-term strategic value investing. My views on investing were largely influenced by the book Strategic Value Investing by Stephen M. Horan, Robert R. Johnson, and Thomas R. Robinson.  For those of you who are unfamiliar with the book, I can’t recommend it highly enough.  It’s easily one of the best books I’ve ever read.  And better yet, by applying some of its core principles, I’ve been able to enjoy significant stock market gains.

In the spirit of complete transparency, here are the returns and the asset allocation on my individual portfolio as of 7/31/2023, the month I began this blog:

2023 YTD Return -

Investment Philosophy YTD Returns
* Provided by Fidelity as of 8/2/2023

1 Year Return -

Investment Philosophy 1 Year Returns
* Provided by Fidelity as of 8/2/2023

Unfortunately, I can’t go back past the 1-year mark because I held my assets at another brokerage prior to 2022 and the data does not exist. Nonetheless, the point remains; I have exceeded the returns of the market by adhering to my investment strategy.

Through this platform I hope to teach you skills and build your confidence, so you can achieve similar results. If you’re interested in finding out more about me and my mission, check out my About page.  Also, check out my FAQ page for more information regarding equity investing.

My Investment Philosophy Defined

I consider myself a buy-and-hold investor and someone who can’t pass over a bargain. I’m not a day trader. Any stock I buy, I plan to hold for years because I believe in the company and believe it’s currently trading at a discounted price relative to its intrinsic value. My goal is not to match the returns of the broader market index, but to generate alpha, or returns in excess of that of the market. I use the S&P 500 index as a benchmark.

Of course, I take on a significant amount of risk in the process. And not all my stocks are winners! The key is that my winners significantly outweigh my losers. This isn’t always for the faint of heart.

Risk Averse? Read On...

Are you risk averse? Think investing in the stock market may not be for you?

What if I told you that investing in vehicles that track index returns for the broader market is also a viable strategy for accumulating wealth over time.  From 2012 to 2022, the S&P 500 index returned 274.11%.  In other words, if you had invested $100 at the beginning of 2012, your investment would be worth $374.11 at the end of 2022 (  For all of you risk adverse people out there, this might be the approach you choose to take. 

Although I’d love it if you check out some of my posts, this blog will primarily be tailored to those (like me) who want to beat the market.

Accept Risk and Persue Alpha

For those of you willing to stomach a healthy bit of risk, let’s talk!  We’ll dissect financial ratios, evaluate the firm’s approach to strategy, and determine whether the board of directors and executives leading the company are trustworthy and competent.  We will also examine the company’s sustainability initiatives, or lack thereof.  This of growing importance in today’s business climate and a topic that we can really delve into. Additionally, we’ll verify whether the company has built a solid reputation among its stakeholders, since it’s been in business. 

Is this a company I can entrust with my hard-earned money and will my funds continue to grow?  I’ll seek to arrive at an answer to this question through this blog, while remaining true to my investment philosophy in the process. 

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