wedding cash gift calculator

Wedding Cash Gift Calculator

The wedding cash gift calculator below is designed to give you an idea of how much you should give as a wedding gift:

Please note that the wedding cash gift calculator is intellectual property of  The Chic Capitalist, LLC.  It is for your information and personal use only.  Please review the Terms and Conditions Policy for more information.

Beyond The Wedding Cash Gift Calculator

This wedding cash gift calculator was designed to be used in conjunction with my full post, How much Should You Give For a Wedding Gift.  

Wedding Gift Etiquette

I start off the post by discussing proper gift etiquette versus breaking the bank.  Do you have to give a wedding gift?  This is a question that a lot of people have.  And it’s not easy to answer.  Personally, I believe the answer is yes.  I discuss my reasoning within the article.  But many other sources say “no, not necessarily”, including accredited sources like The Washington Post.  

And even once you do decide to give a gift, the question still remains how much should I give?  To make things a little easier I came up with my own wedding cash gift calculator

The Methodology Behind My Wedding Cash Gift Calculator

If you read the full article I discuss the detailed methodology I used to come up with my calculator.  Here’s a brief summary:

First, I start with what I like to call the “affordability factor”.  Yup!  My wedding cash gift calculator takes into account your income to determine an affordable gift amount.  Obviously, if you have greater income, you’ll be able to afford to give more.  However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should give more.  Hence, your income is used simply to determine a baseline gift amount.  

Next, my wedding cash gift calculator adjusts that baseline amount up or down based on number of other factors.  These factors include the following:

   1. How well you know the bride and groom?
   2. Were both you and your partner invited? Kids too (if applicable)?
   3. Are they doing anything to convenience you or inconvenience you?
   4. What’s the estimated cost of the wedding
   5. Has either the bride or groom attended wedding for you or close family member, and if yes, how much did they give?  

Try out the wedding cash gift calculator today and read up on the full article if you’d like more information.  And although I believe this wedding cash gift calculator is a great tool for determining an appropriate cash wedding gift amount, please remember to use your own discretion when determining how much to give.

Other Financial Calculators You Might Be Interested In:

If you’re planning a wedding or know someone who is, check out my wedding budget template.  The wedding budget template is designed to give you an idea how much you may need to spend on your wedding and helps you allocate costs among the major expense categories.  The wedding budget template is available for free to members of TCC Club.  If you’re not already a member, join today by subscribing to The Chic Capitalist newsletter!  And don’t forget to check out my other wedding-inspired articles.

Also, check out my free excel budgeting template and the full post, How to Budget.  Within the post, I discuss what is a budget and why budgeting is so important.  Moreover, I walk you through a budgeting example using my fictional friend, Ralph.  Check it out!

Concluding Remarks on the Wedding Cash Gift Calculator

I hope you found this wedding cash gift calculator helpful!  

If you enjoyed this content, may I ask that you please share it with a friend?  I’m on a mission to encourage others to live a fiscally responsible life, so we can all prosper!

And if there are any other financial calculators you’d like to see in the future, please leave me a message in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!  Until next time, friends.

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